AI, algorithimic and automation incidents and controversies

Photo of 'Share your inner unicorn', an art installation that  raises the question how people will communicate with machines in the future. 

Photo by MaximalFocus, 2020
Image: MaximalFocus, 2020

Artificial intelligence and algorithms can help tackle climate change, strengthen cybersecurity, and improve customer service, amongst all manner of applications.

On the other hand, limitations in fairness, safety and security together with a perceived lack of transparency and accountability means these technologies can damage the rights and interests of citizens, consumers and others and, as such, can pose significant potential risks to the organisations that design, develop and deploy them.

As the adoption of AI and AI-related technologies become more mainstream, awareness diversifies and grows, public opinion consolidates and legislation hardens, the risks are likely to become more reputational in nature.

AIAAIC Repository

Surprisingly little clear, objective, structured information and data exists in the public domain on the limitations, consequences and risks of artificial intelligence, algorithms and automation.

Accordingly, I have developed the AIAAIC Repository, an independent, open library of 750+ incidents and controversies driven by and relating to AI and AI-related technologies across the world since 2012.

Started in 2019, it is the most comprehensive, detailed, and up-to-date resource of its kind.

Why use the AIAAIC Repository

The AIAAIC Repository can be used in the following ways:

  • to inform and support analysis and commentary
  • to conduct qualitative or quantitative research
  • to develop case studies
  • to develop training and education programmes
  • to develop methodologies, frameworks and other tools
  • to predict future trends.

Who uses the AIAAIC Repository

The AIAAIC Repository is used by researchers, academics, activists, policymakers and industry experts at universities, business schools, NGOs, think tanks and businesses across the world, including:

Access Now | Ada Lovelace Institute | ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin | Code4Thought | Consumer Reports | Data & Society | Digital Life Initiative, Cornell Tech | ESHCC, Erasmus University | etami | Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University | ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon | IMD Business School | More

Terms and contributions

AIAAIC content is available to use, copy, adapt, and redistribute under a CC BY-SA 4.0 attribution license.