Maersk NotPetya cyberattack response timeline

In July 2017 shipping and logistics company A.P. Møller-Maersk was subjected to an almost total shutdown of its IT system as a result of the NotPetya cyberattack.

This timeline shows how the company responded publicly over the first ten days. The context, impact, lessons and implications of the cyberattack are set out in this case study.

It is worth viewing Maersk chairman Jim Hagemann Snabe talking about the cyberattack. Maersk head of technology Adam Banks and IT security pro Gavin Ashton also provide useful insider insights into how the company handled the attack. Read Wired‘s untold story of NotPetya for the bigger cybersecurity picture.

July 7

July 3

June 30

June 29

June 28

June 27

Timings are GMT+1

This timeline aims to give a balanced view of Maersk’s response to NotPetya. It does not claim to be comprehensive.

Let me know if there is anything important that is missing, unfair or inaccurate.

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